Matty's final thoughts #4

Hello babes, It’s me, your very own Easter bunny, Matty May.

I want to take you back to a simpler time, The Five Elms Primary Easter Bonnet Parade - like sports day for the fat kids. I competed between 1995 - 1999. In 1997 I was a dead cert for the winner. Neither me nor my Mum are the best at drawing, but we managed to make something that looked like the mad hatter had been on the best Easter weekend sesh of his life. It included a hot cross bun wrapped in cling film as one of its many features and was well over a foot tall (I did plan to show you a photo but we’re in a pandemic and I can only do so much ok.) Unfortunately, due to poor taste from the judges, the headteacher and Sandra the dinner lady, I finished in third. An audio gasp ran through the assembly hall.

Despite this injustice, one that along with election results has seriously hampered my ability to trust others to make good choices, I’ve always quite liked Easter.

I’m not from a religious family (which for me means that I’ve been christened out of tradition, but never went to church other than being a cute chubby cheeked page boy at the occasional wedding.) but we would celebrate this weekend regardless. The family would usually congregate at my Nans on the Sunday for a roast.

I always thought it was better than Christmas. Better, not because I have strong urges about chocolate eggs (although they do bang hard seeing as you ask) but because it was more fun. There wasn’t this expectation that this had to be the best day ever and so it came with far less tension, far less stress and usually fewer arguments. No one had got themselves into debt trying to buy as much of the Argos catalogue as possible. Generally there was a bit less alcohol and more ease.

As an adult it's focus shifted, and I have found pride in being able to take full advantage of the four day party, my new sports day replacement since nobody invites me to Easter Bonnet parades anymore.

I will miss all of the above this year.

Whatever you’re doing this weekend, I hope it goes some way to giving you what ever it is you're missing.


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