Class | Play Script

With a heavy heart but with safety at the forefront of the decision making and detailed discussion with each venue, we have cancelled Class spring dates in Bristol, Brighton, Liverpool, Glasgow, Huddersfield and more to be announced. We are working closely with the venues and festivals to try and get these dates rescheduled where possible so stand by for more info on that when we have it including a very special digital screening with LBT!

For refunds please contact the venues/festivals directly. If you are in a position not to seek a refund we’d ask you to consider donating your ticket price to the venues/festivals - this is a really tricky time for them and we're keen, where possible, to try support them.

However, some good news - we are super excited to be collaborating with new publisher on the block - Salamander Street! Together we’ve created a really gorge play script of Class with introductions from noted critic and journalist Lyn Gardner and Hackney Showroom Co-Director and Class director Sam Curtis Lyndsay. Plus there is an opening text from Scottee.

“This work is essential - for you and the world”

Sofie Hagen

‘Class is hard to watch, it gruelling, it sticks to you, you can feel it after its gone. But, so is growing up poor and the experience of poverty. Scottee has made something that doesnt let you off the hook, and nor should it”

Travis Alabanza

This week Class is exclusively available via our online shop and the first 100 copies are signed by Scottee!





Room to Respond | 2020 | CLOSED