With extended lockdown measures in the UK + NI, Christmas cancelled and us all doing our bit to limit the ‘rona we’ve pretty much cancelled 2020 haven’t we?! But what about NYE, babes?For five years Scottee & Friends have been providing queers, weirdos and their Mums a NYE knees up to remember and this year, despite everything that's going on, we plan to do the same!

We’re giving 10 lucky households in the UK (and yes that is also including our pals in NI) the chance to host their own very Camp NYE in their living room!We’ll send you everything you need to make the night go with a bang - party hats, camp decor, curated snacks, a bottle of bubbles (or fancy tea bags if you are that way inclined) and tailored playlists from Unskinny Bop for midnight dancing!

On top of that we’ll also sort the entertainment too - handpicked especially for you from the very best cabaret talent, in an exclusive zoom show! Scottee will also call in before the clock strikes midnight to see how its all going - oh and we’ll even throw in some poppers! *wink*

All you need to do is fill out this form telling us a few details including who you’d like to be dancing round your telly on NYE 2020! 

Apply HERE! What's the worst that could happen...actually don’t answer that!

CLOSING DATE 5th December

Camp NYE Party Box is open to all ages and all people across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Successful parties will be notified by 7th December after which we’ll need to grab you for a quick phone call / text chat. Camp NYE is completely free and is offered to punters on the basis they follow the local and/or national guidance in their area at that time. All we ask is you film / photograph your party off your phone!

Image by Alexander Innes.Scottee & Friends Ltd. is supported by Paul Hamlyn Foundation.


Camp round yours NYE 2020 | Documentation


would like to meet | Cambridge | ROSS street